Thursday, February 24, 2011

I learned!

I decided a few months ago that I wanted to learn how to crochet. So when I joined a swap on Swap-bot where you send your partner something that you made which was a new craft for you, I decided to jump in and do something crocheted. I'd seen this a while ago and thought these bracelets were very beautiful and decided to make one. I used larger crochet thread, and so it look me little while to figure out the gauge, but I think it works. My work certainly isn't perfect, but I think that it turned out very nice any way and I sure hope that who I sent it to likes it.  

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Christmas Quilt

This is the quilt that I made for Cody for Christmas. I think that it turned out very nice. You can see the quilting detail much better on the back. (Oops, should have taken a lint roller to it before taking pictures.) When Cody and I got married a few years ago I decided that I wanted the color theme for our bedroom to be red and black. So I bought the material for this quilt then, and finally got around to making it for Christmas.
Then I put it on the bed. I decided that even though it is a nice quilt, I am not that fond of it. I don't like the monochromatic look of the red on top of the black. It just isn't my kind of aesthetic. So now I have to go back to the drawing board and figure out a quilt with these colors that I'll like better. I might even change the black to blue.Wish me luck.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Bear Hat

So, before LJ was born I made him a whole bunch of hats, including this one. I just love hats that have ears on them, I think that they are super cute. (Plus it doesn't hurt to have a super cute baby to wear them.) But now that he is here and wearing them, I realize that the ears are too small. So I am planning on cutting these ones off, and replacing them with bigger ears. Hopefully I can figure it out, and actually do it.
One of the best ways that I learn is by messing up and making mistakes. Because if everything that you make is perfect then you will never learn. (Although after frogging a project for the 4th time, I really wish I was perfect.) So, I look at my imperfect projects as learning experiences and hopefully never make that same mistake again. I figure that eventually I will have done every mistake possible and then have perfect projects, haha. Well, time to go figure out how to make bigger circles for ears.