Monday, October 11, 2010

Car Seat Canopy

Another project that I have done in anticipation for this soon to be here baby was to make a car seat canopy.  I love the idea of it. Blankets can fall off of the car seat, leaving baby exposed and cold.  But with this, it can't fall off considering that it is buttoned to the handle.  It was actually very easy to make. 

Materials I used: Two 1 yard pieces of fabric (1 print, 1 plain), ribbon, and buttons or Velcro
·         The first thing I did was to wash my material. Then I cut the 2 pieces so that they were the same size. Mine ended up being about 35”x45”.
·         Next I sewed right sides together leaving about 10” on 1 side so that I could turn the material right side out. I highly recommend pinning the sides so that they don’t stretch when sewed together.  
·         I turned the material, and pressed all of the edges. Then just to give it a nice finished look I sewed around the edges with my ¼” foot, which also sewed close the open part.
·         Then I cut two 8” ribbons. If I do this again, I think that I would make them a little shorter. To make the ends not fray on the ribbon I melted the edges a tiny bit with a lighter.
·         I measured the halfway point the long way on my material, which was approximately 23”. On this middle “line” I measured in 13” both sides so that the ribbons would have about 7” between them.  I sewed each ribbon down in a square with an x in it to make them secure. 
·         I made button holes and sewed buttons (before I sewed the ribbon on the material) on my ribbons as a way to attach it to the car seat, but Velcro would work too. Or just leaving the ribbon long enough to tie would work great too.

The hardest part about this was putting on the ribbon handles, but once I was actually doing it, it wasn't that hard, it just sounds tricky.  So now I have a lovely cover to protect my baby when he finally decides to show up.

-Update: Now that I am actually using it, I realize that the ribbon handles need to fit snuggly on the handle of the car seat because they just slip and slide all over the place. So I will be shortening them to fit better. Otherwise, it works great.

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